Thursday, June 14, 2007

Writing~Baby Step to Flight

"He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying."
– Friedrich Nietzsche

I have met very few people who haven't said that they have a story to tell. Close to 80% of the American public has an idea for or started the "Great American Novel." Less than 10% will finish writing it and of that, maybe 3% will ever see their novel in print. Sounds discouraging, doesn't it? But with every published work, there were steps that had to be followed.

Many publishing hopefuls keep their first novels in a box under their beds, and that's where it should stay. I can hear you now, "Aw, come on! It can't be that bad!" Oh yes, it can be. Ask any published author how bad their first attempts were and they will tell you. Writing starts with baby steps into writing. No one is a born writer. They had to learn how. No matter how famous they are, they didn't wake up one morning and become a published author. They had to learn how to write composition even if it was in grade school, read, edit text, reedit text, seek representation, and deal with publishing and promotion. Name an author who hasn't done extensive research on any given project and I'll show you an author who isn't published. And yes, you can be an author without being "published." Anytime you write, you are an author. These are the baby steps involved with becoming a published author.

Have you ever seen a baby go from the do-nothing-stage to running around terrorizing your house in an instant? I haven't. I'm the mother of four and I've watched the progression with pride of achievement. The first little wobble of the first steps to swaying back and forth to music in their simplified dancing...babies are cute, aren't they? You approach writing the same way. You have to learn to stand and walk before you can dance. Take a creative writing course at your local college, read incessantly, increase your vocabulary, take a refresher in proper grammar, all of it is important in life and writing. Learning is never a waste of time. For an author, writing is a dance that you never tire of.

Now, I'll discuss blogging as a published work. As a blog writer you are being published worldwide. Don't be confused by this, once you open your pages to someone are a published author. No one can write your story as well as you can. This heyday of blogging proves that. I've read numerous blogs over the past few weeks. In writing a blog do you think of spelling, grammar, and punctuation, or do you just write because you can? You have an important point to make, right? Think about what you are blogging about. how distracing to you is mispelings, gramtec erros adn such when u r tryin to read? If you read the previous line and went, huh? Don't laugh, I've read it. You get my point. The point is take pride in what you write and correct (edit) it and use the spell checker offer above your compose screen (it's that little icon with the check mark and "ABC")before you publish it. I have a writer friend who can't put two sentences together without a dictionary and thesaurus, but that's okay. He's attempting to learn and taking baby steps to achieve it.

You, as a blogger, ask in forums to find a readership. You obviously have something to share. Take pride in what you have to say and put your best foot forward. A number of literary agents and publishers frequent blogs. The search for the authors of the future may be somewhere in Bloggers or some such blog. I got my start with a letter to an editor, too many years ago, and a commentary on a little known subject. It could happen to you also. In writing baby steps are important, learning to write well, and flying into publication are all achievable by following the steps. Write on!


AZZITIZZ said...

Hope you do post an excerpt or two, would be interesting to read.
Will pop in now and again to check.
Good blog.

Leon said...

I still have binders of old writing but they are hidden in my storeroom not under my bed. :)

"published work" - I tried to be a 'writer' and get published the traditional way and it didn't work out. By editing,writing for, and publishing an email newsletter I finally felt I had produced published work.

Blogging is great because it allows us to publish our work and get quick feedback. That's why I encourage writers to blog.

Rachelle said...

What a fun site! I hope to visit often. I do have a children's book I wrote but I am having difficulty finding out how to publish it. It isn't mainstream, it's about an autistic boy so..... hmmm.

Hope you stop by and visit me. Read back a bit to find my 'writers blogs' :))

J.L. Murphey said...

I agree. Blooging is great exercise. I feel that all writers should journal whether it be pen to paper or online blogging.

Anonymous said...

good blog, thank you. Sometimes I want to right something, share my thoughts but when I'm starting I can't even write the first word... Sometimes it's so hard to figure out what to write about. Where do you get ideas?

J.L. Murphey said...

Rachelle, thank you. I try, if you can't make life fun...what's the point?

Berni said...

Great encouragement for those of us trying to move from baby steps but getting stuck on the way. Interesting site.